Ciclirati Created by Jeff Ernst, Cicilrati is a new cycling team dedicated to the real experience of the sport. We are about riding very hard and having a very good time, which benefits the team, the sponsors and, most importantly,the sport. Ciclirati will be riding in its first season and the Bohunk is extremely happy to be involved with such a great team. Look for articles and blog posts from the Bohunk soon on the Ciclirati website, wish is located to the left of the post.
Hagerty Racing~ Based out of Traverse City, Michigan, the Hagerty squad has quickly become the most recognizable bike team in Northern Michigan in just five years. The team regularly mounts the podiums in events across the region both on-road and off. The Bohunk is beginning my first season with the team and both Wes and I are very excited to don the Hagerty blue and white. As always, the link to the team site is located to the bottom left of each blog post.
Fixed Gear Gallery/Hell Yes Clothing~ The Fixed Gear Wizard himself, Dennis Bean-Larson, is one of the most knowledgeable bike guys around and has contributed to cycling in the state of Michigan repeatedly and enthusiastically over the past thirty years. He even gave the Bohunks some swag at our first road race last season. Links to both of DBL's sites are located on the bottom left of each blog post.